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Book your cheapest flight from West Palm Beach with FareLeaders, a flight price comparison website. Search and compare flights from West Palm Beach to find the cheapest airfare deals. FareLeaders’ flight comparison tool can quickly find you the cheapest flight from Palm Beach International Airport (PBI).
You can find a slew of budget deals on FareLeaders based on your travel date, time, budget, and airlines. Check the flight schedule, fare rules, and amenities and you will find the best airfare deal within a few seconds.
Search for the latest airfare deals from West Palm Beach on Fareleaders.com, one of the best flight deals comparison websites around. Pick your destination along with the dates and our meta-search engine will scour the web to display the best flight deals from West Palm Beach available at that moment. You can then purchase the selected airline ticket deals on the travel website offering them.
While helping you during flight fare comparison, FareLeaders does not charge you any extra. Once you have decided on the most suitable deal based on your budget you can book your flight tickets on the particular travel sites offering them.
So, just search and compare airfares available online for flights from West Palm Beach on FareLeaders and book the selected airfare deal on the travel website that is offering it.
How Does FareLeaders Flight Comparison Work?
Get hold of the latest deals on flights from West Palm Beach on Fareleaders.com. It is effortless to find the cheapest airline tickets on FareLeaders. FareLeaders curates all possible deals from the web on flight tickets for all major airlines and airports. Just key in the destination along with the travel dates and our meta-search engine will display the best flight deals from West Palm Beach available at that moment. Then just go ahead and book the selected airline ticket on the travel website offering the deal.
Looking for some pro tips to book cheap airline tickets from West Palm Beach? Read on:
You should always buy your tickets as early as possible. Book your flights three months to three weeks in advance to grab the lowest airfare
Several major global airlines run their services from Palm Beach International Airport (PBI), flying to numerous international and domestic routes. Some of the prominent airlines include Air Canada, Allegiant Air, American Airlines, American Eagle, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, JetBlue, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, United Airlines, etc.
Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) is the main airport in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. Located just west of West Palm Beach, the airport began operations in 1936 as Morrison Field. Covering an area of 2,120 acres, Palm Beach International Airport has three runways. PBI has 32 gates (28 Jetway gates and four hardstands). It is worth mentioning that Air Force One frequently visited PBI during John F. Kennedy's presidency in the early 1960s.
There are several modes of transport for passengers to reach Palm Beach International Airport (PBI).
Palm Tran: This public bus transportation of Palm Beach offers services to the airport.
Tri-Rail: Passengers can reach the airport riding the Tri-Rail and they can board it from West Palm Beach Tri-Rail station located at 203 South Tamarind Avenue.
Uber or metro taxis: Passengers can also reach the airport by availing rideshare services to and from PBI.
Amtrak: PBI is also accessible from the West Palm Beach Amtrak station situated at 201 South Tamarind Avenue. There is also a Palm Tran shuttle available that carries passengers to/from the station to the airport.
Looking for a cheap last-minute deal or the best round-trip flight from West Palm Beach? Enjoy the highest savings on one-way and round-trip tickets right here.
IATA Code | PBI |
Name | Palm Beach International |
City | West Palm Beach |
Country | US |
Latitude | 26.6832008361816 |
Longitude | -80.0955963134766 |