Traveling for pleasure or for business, finding an airline ticket deal is a tedious task whether doing an advance purchase or looking for a last minute flight deal. With so many online travel agencies claiming to provide cheapest airfares, it’s difficult to check each portal individually and compare the prices manually. Especially when you have to buy a last minute flight ticket. Take the advantage of comparing those deals in minimum time and save big on flight tickets even in the eleventh-hour with our flight search engine.
FareLeaders is a flight comparison platform that helps to find the best flight deals according to budget, suitable time and comfort (business or economy class).
Compare airfares: Select the date and destination of travel and compare the airfares offered by different air ticket providers. Book the best flight deal with the provider without any additional fees.
Travel Stress-free: Read the airfare rules and other travel guidelines before buying the air tickets.
Q. How do FareLeaders find the flight deals?
A. FareLeaders’ meta search engine collects and processes data from various online travel agencies to produce the results. With each flight search query, FareLeaders searches a number of travel sites and shows all the important flight information that travelers need to consider before buying their flight tickets that includes air ticket prices, flight time, connecting flights, fare rules, cancellation policies etc.
Q. Are the airline tickets booked on FareLeaders? What is the FareLeader fee?
A. Flight tickets are booked with the travel agency directly without any additional fee.
Q. Whom to contact for making changes in the airline tickets purchased?
A. Travelers can contact the air ticket provider directly for making any changes to their travel plans. Date change, seat assignment, cancellations can be done directly with the airlines or the ticket provider according to the fare rules.
For more information, visit our site!