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Cape Air (9K)

Facts to know while booking flights with Cape Air (9K)

Which airline alliance is Cape Air part of?
Cape Air is not part of any airline alliance
What is Cape Air primary hub?
Cape Air concentrates most of its flight operations in BOS, SJU, BIL, SYD, STL, MVY, HYA, ACK.
Is Cape Air safe to fly ?
Is Cape Air low cost airline ?
Where does Cape Air fly to?
Cape Air offers flights to 8 cities in 1 different countries. BOS, SJU, BIL, SYD, STL, MVY, HYA, ACK are the most popular cities covered by Cape Air.
Can I book an Cape Air flight for any other person?
Yes, You need to complete all fields of information and provide payments details to reserve your flight.
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